Publications and Conference Presentations
- Han, X.; Praet, C. L. C.; Liyong Wang (2021) Social interaction in co-creating the tourist experience: An exploratory study of Chinese visitors to Japan, in A. Decrop, A. Correia, A. Fyall & M. Kozak (eds.), Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World, Advances in Tourism Marketing, Goodfellow Publishers, pp. 29-47 DOI: 10.23912/9781911635765-4477 promoCode=&partnerID=&content=story&storyID=446#productlist
- Han, X.; Praet, C. L. C.; Liyong Wang (2021) Tourist–Tourist Social Interaction in the Co-creation and Co-destruction of Tourism Experiences among Chinese Outbound Tourists, Tourism Planning & Development, 18 (2) 189-209. DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2021.1873833
- Praet, Carolus and Xing Han (2020), The Role of Social Interaction and Authenticity in the Co-creation and Co-diminishment of Tourism Experiences, Journal of Human Interface Society: Human Interface, 22(2), pp. 14-19.
- Han, Xing; Praet, Carolus; Liyong Wang (2019), From Co-creation to Co-destruction: Perception of the Role of Other Tourists in Creating the Tourism Experience among Chinese Visitors to Japan, paper presented at the International Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management (TRMC 2019) 27-28 October 2019, Tianjin, China.
- Han, Xing; Praet, Carolus.; Liyong Wang (2019), The role of social interaction in the tourism experience of Chinese visitors to Japan: A grounded theory approach, paper presented at the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Advancing Tourism Research Globally 2019 International Conference, Melbourne, Australia, s.l. (12 pages) Download link
- Han, Xing; Praet, Carolus; Liyong Wang (2019), The role of social interaction in the co-creation of tourist experiences: A literature review, paper presented at the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Advancing Tourism Research Globally 2019 International Conference, Melbourne, Australia
- Han, Xing; Praet, Carolus ; Liyong Wang (2019), The role of social interaction in tourism co-creation: A qualitative study of Chinese visitors to Japan, paper presented at The 8th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC) September 4-7, 2019, University of Namur, Belgium.
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2019), Distribution Channels in the Luxury Travel Market: An Exploratory Study of Outbound Tour Operators, paper presented at The 8th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC) September 4-7, 2019, University of Namur, Belgium.
- プラート カロラス (2019) 「異文化観光客間の相互知覚と社会的相互作用─ニセコ スキーリゾートにおける観光客セグメントの互換性管理への示唆」小樽商科大学地 域経済研究部[編]「北海道社会の課題とその解決」第7章、ナカニシヤ出版、pp. 145-169. ISBN:978-4-7795-1357-2 [Praet, Carolus (2019), Mutual perceptions and social interaction among cross-cultural tourists: Suggestions for tourist segment compatibility management in the Niseko ski resort, in Hokkaido: Socio-Economic Challenges and Solutions, Chapter 7, pp. 145-169, Otaru University of Commerce Regional Economy Research Group ed., Kyoto, Nakanishiya Shuppan (in Japanese)]
- Han, Xing; Praet, Carolus; Liyong Wang (2017), Chinese Consumer Perceptions of Virtual Reality Cinemas: Some Tentative Implications for Advertising, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Ghent, Belgium, s.l. (10 pages).
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2016), Message Strategy Typologies: A Review, Integration, and Empirical Validation in China, in: Verlegh, P.; Voorveld H.; Eisend M. (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. VI) The Digital, the Classic, the Subtle, and the Alternative, Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, pp. 201-213.
- 後藤 英之 , 宮﨑 義久 , プラート カロラス , 李 濟民 (2016)「北海道ニセコにおける 観光地域研究 ― アンケートによる冬季観光動態調査」商学討究, 67(1), pp.303-326. Download link
- Praet, Carolus; Gotoh, Hideyuki; Miyazaki, Yoshihisa; Lee, Jemin; and Liyong Wang (2015), Familiar and Total Strangers: An Exploratory Study of In-Group and Out- Group Perceptions among International Ski Resort Visitors, in: A. Ono, M. Kikumori, and R. Takeuchi (Eds.) Emerging Trends in Asian Markets, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations, Tokyo, Japan: Japan Society for Marketing and Distribution, pp. 120-135. Download link Praet et al (2015) Familiar and Total Strangers.pdf
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2015), How Informative Are Chinese Television Commercials? in: I. B. Banks, P. De Pelsmacker, and S. Okazaki (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. V). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, pp. 115-128.
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2014), Cultural Values in Chinese Television Advertising, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, s.l. (12 pages).
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2014), A Review and Integration of Message Strategy Typologies, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, s.l. (8 pages).
- プラート カロラス (2014)、「北海道観光のグローバル化―マーケティングの視 点から―」 穴沢眞、江頭進 編著 「グローバリズムと北海道経済」第3章、ナカニ シヤ出版、pp. 49-79. [Praet, Carolus L. C. (2014), The Globalization of Hokkaido Tourism: A Marketing Perspective, in Globalism and the Hokkaido Economy, Chapter 3, pp. 49-79, Makoto Anazawa and Susumu Egashira eds., Kyoto, Nakanishiya Shuppan (in Japanese)]
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2013), A Review and Integration of Message Strategy Typologies, paper presented at the Japan Academy of Advertising National Conference, November 17 2013, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2013), Informativeness of Chinese Television Advertising: A Content Analysis, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Zagreb, Croatia, s.l. (12 pages).
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2013), Value Appeals in Chinese Television Advertising for Automobiles: A Content Analysis, in: S. Rosengren, M. Dahlén, and S. Okazaki (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. IV). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, pp. 245-259.
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2013), Informativeness of Chinese Television Advertising for Automobiles: A Content Analysis, 『日本商業学会 第63回全国研究大 会報告要旨』, pp.157-169. [Proceedings of the Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution 63rd Annual Conference, pp. 157-169].
- プラート カロラス(2013), 「インバウンド・マーケティングにおける諸課題:北 海道の事例を中心に」日本商業学会北海道部会、2014年3月1日(土)、小樽商科大学札幌サテライト
- 櫻井秀彦, プラート カロラス, 伊藤一, 早瀬幸俊 (2012), 「情報の非対称性と専門 サービス財の評価構造」日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会92階研究大会, 2012年12月8~9日.
- Praet, Carolus (2012), Korea As Number One: A Multi-country Study of Celebrity Advertising Around the World, Proceedings of the Korean Advertising Society (KAS) Far East International Conference in Advertising, pp. 367-375.
- Praet, Carolus (2012), The Influence of National Culture and Advertising Market Size on the Prevalence of Celebrity Endorsement Strategies in Advertising: a Multi- country Study, paper presented at The 2nd International Symposium on Operations Management and Strategy 2012 (ISOMS 2012), November 9-11, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokio, Japan
- Itoh, Hajime, Praet, Carolus, and Hidehiko Sakurai (2012), A Comparison of Community Pharmacies in a Japanese Chain on the Relative Impact of Core and Auxiliary Elements on Service Evaluation, paper presented at The 2nd International Symposium on Operations Management and Strategy 2012 (ISOMS 2012), November 9-11, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokio, Japan.
- Itoh, Hajime, Praet, Carolus, and Hidehiko Sakurai (2012), The Relative Impact of Core and Auxiliary Elements on Service Evaluation: A Comparison of Community Pharmacies in a Japanese Chain, Proceedings of the 4th Production and Operations Management World Conference, [ISBN: 9789491621000], s.l. (9 pages).
- Wang, Liyong, and Carolus Praet (2012), Cultural Values Reflected in Chinese Television Advertising for Automobiles: A Content Analysis, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), June 28-30, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, s.l. (11 pages).
- Sakurai, Hidehiko, and Carolus Praet (2012), Information Asymmetry and Service Evaluation in Professional Services: an Empirical Study, paper presented at the 2012 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 7-9, Westin Copley Place, Boston, USA.
- 伊藤 一 , 櫻井 秀彦, プラート カロラス(2012), 「表層的サービスと本質的サービ スの相対的な影響 SERVQUAL次元を基にした保険薬局 の一実証研究」JOMSA 第4 回全国研究発表大会、2012 年 6 月 2 日(土), 東洋大学, 東京都.
- プラート カロラス (2012), 「北海道観光の国際化:外国人観光客へのマーケティン グにおける機会と課題」 穴沢眞、 江頭進 編著 「グローバリズムと地域経済」第7 章、日本評論社, pp. 141-176. [Praet, Carolus (2012), “The Internationalization of Hokkaido Tourism: Opportunities and Issues in Marketing to Foreign Tourists” in Globalism and Regional Economies, Chapter 7, pp. 141-176, Makoto Anazawa and Susumu Egashira eds., Tokyo, Nihon Hyouronsha (in Japanese)]
- Paek, H.-J., Lee, H., Praet, C. L. C., Chan, K., Chien, P. M., Huh, J., & Cameron, G. T. (2011), Pharmaceutical Advertising in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, and the US: Current Conditions and Future Directions, Health Communication Research, 3(1), pp. 1-63. Download link: HCR_Pharmaceutical_ad_in_Asia 2011.pdf
- Praet, Carolus (2011), Pharmaceutical Advertising in Japan, in Carrie La Ferle and Gayle Kerr, (Eds.) The Proceedings of the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Southern Methodist University, p. 109.
- Miracle, G., Hirose, M., Kishi, S., Kishiya, K., Matsunaga, I., Minami, C., Praet, C., and K. Shimamura (2010), Why Scholarly Advertising Research Differs Among Countries: The Case of Japan, Proceedings of the 2010 Global Marketing Conference, Korean Academy of Marketing Science, September 9-11, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1708-1720, CD-ROM, [ISSN: 1976- 8699].
- Praet, Carolus. (2009), National wealth or national culture? A multi-country study of the factors underlying the use of celebrity endorsement in television advertising, in: P. De Pelsmacker & N. Dens (Eds.), Advertising Research: Message, Medium, and Context. Antwerpen: Garant, pp. 383-392.
- Praet, Carolus (2008), The Influence of National Culture on the Use of Celebrity Endorsement in Television Advertising: A Multi-Country Study, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Antwerp, Belgium, s.l. (13 pages), CD-ROM, [ISBN 978-1-84116-211-9].
- Praet, Carolus (2007), The Nature and Role of Advertising Likeability - A Cross- Cultural Investigation, Otaru University of Commerce, The Economic Review, Vol. 58, No. 2-3 (December), pp. 125-160. Download link:
- プラート カロラス (2006), 「消費者行動と広告における文化的影響」 田中洋、清水 聰 編著 「消費者・コミュニケーション戦略 現代のマーケティング戦略(4)」 第10章, 有斐閣アルマ, pp. 269-307. [Praet, Carolus Contemporary Marketing Strategy 4], Chapter 10, pp. 269-307, H. Tanaka and A. Shimizu eds., Tokyo, Yuhikaku Arma (in Japanese)].
- Praet, Carolus, Raaij, W. Fred van, and Marieke K. de Mooij (2004)「テレビ広告 における有名人起用とホフステードによる国民文化次元との関連性についての国 際比較研究」吉田秀雄記念事業財団 『助成研究集』第37次, pp. 115-130. [Praet, Carolus L. C., Raaij, W.Fred van, and Marieke K. de Mooij (2004), An international comparative study on the relationship between the use of celebrities in television advertising and the Hofstede dimensions of culture, Yoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation Research Report, No 37, Yoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation, pp. 115-130 (in Japanese).]
- Praet, Carolus (2001), Japanese Advertising, the World's Number One Celebrity Showcase? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Frequency of Celebrity Appearances in TV Advertising, in: Roberts, Marilyn S. and Robert L. King, Editors, The Proceedings of the 2001 Special Asia-Pacific Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Gainesville, FL, pp. 6-13. Download link: Paper AAA congres June 2001.pdf
- 松尾睦, 奥瀬喜之, プラート カロラス (2001), 「サービス・クオリティ次元に 関する実証研究—SERVQUALの再検討—」日本商業学会学会誌『流通研究』第4号 第1巻, pp. 29-38. [Matsuo, Makoto, Yoshiyuki Okuse, and Carolus Praet (2001), An Empirical Study of the Dimensions of Service Quality: A Reexamination of SERVQUAL, Journal of Marketing & Distribution, Vol. 4, No. 1 (March), pp. 29-38. (in Japanese)] Download link:
- Praet, Carolus, Yoshiyuki Okuse, and Makoto Matsuo (2001), Reexamining the Dimensionality of SERVQUAL: An empirical study of consumer perceptions of Service Quality in Japanese hotels, Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Services Research Workshop, University of Otago, New Zealand. [ISBN 1-877-156-17-05], pp. 36-37.
- 松尾睦, プラート カロラス, 奥瀬喜之(2000),「サービス・クオリティ次元に 関する実証的研究—SERVQUALの再検証—」『日本商業学会第50回全国大会報告 要旨』, pp. 74-78. [Matsuo, Makoto, Praet, Carolus, and Yoshiyuki Okuse (2000), An Empirical Study of the Dimensions of Service Quality: A Reexamination of SERVQUAL, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution 50th Annual Conference, pp. 74-78 (in Japanese).]
- プラート カロラス (2000), 「テレビ広告の日本的特質-有名人起用に関する比較文化 的考察-」高嶋 克義 編著 「日本型マーケティング」 第6章、千倉書房, pp. 97- 114. [Praet, Carolus (2000), TV advertising Japanese-style: Cross-cultural considerations concerning the use of celebrities in: Japanese-style Marketing, Chapter 6, pp. 97-114, K. Takashima ed., Tokyo: Chikura (in Japanese)].
- Praet, Carolus (1999), Characteristics of Japanese TV advertising- A Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Evidence, Otaru University of Commerce, The Economic Review, Vol. 50, No. 1 (July), pp. 151-179. Download link:
- Praet, Carolus (1996), Japanese Advertising: The Case of Beer Commercials, Kobe University Graduate School of Business Administration, Rokkodai Dissertation Collection - Business Administration, Vol. 43, No.2 (November), pp. 1-21.