Haruhiko Ogasawara
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Professor Emeritus
Otaru University of Commerce

3-5-21, Midori, Otaru 047-8501 Japan
E-mail: emt-hogasa{ at mark without braces }emt.otaru-uc.ac.jp

B.Ed., The University of Tokyo, 1974
Ph.D., Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1992
Ph.D. in Educational Informatics, Tohoku University, 2014


The area of interest has been in the latent-variable models and associated methods in multivariate analysis:

Professional Services

ROSEF 2.0 (April, 2003): A subroutine library for the ROtated solutions with their asymptotic Standard Errors in Factor analysis

EL 1.0 (May, 2003): A set of subroutines for the methods of item response theory (IRT) Equating/Linking with their asymptotic standard errors

Recent Publications
