
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/07/17 現在

科目名/Subject 学術英語II/Academic English II
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 武部 エイミー(商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 現代商学専攻博士前期課程 アカデミックトレーニング科目
開講学期/Semester 2024年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 月/Mon 5
対象所属/Eligible Faculty 商学研究科現代商学専攻博士前期課程/Graduate School of CommerceGraduate School of Commerce Major in Modern Commerce
配当年次/Years 1年,2年
単位数/Credits 2.0
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/02/29
/Course Objectives and method
This is an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course.
Students will complete various reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities to enhance their knowledge of reporting on research projects in English.
/Course Goals
By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Analyze the genre-specific features in academic journal
2. Develop knowledge of writing conventions in one's specific academic discipline.
3. Critically read, restate, and evaluate journal articles relevant to
   one's research project.
4. Synthesize a variety of sources into a cogent, argument-driven
    review for one's research project.
5. Present a research proposal in a professional manner.
/Course contents
Tentative Class Schedule (Class content is subject to change.)

1. Introduction and Course Overview
2. Introduction to EAP Genre Analysis
3. Genre Analysis: Introduction
4. Library Workshop
5. Genre Analysis: Summary and Critique
6. Genre Analysis: Gap Statement
7. Genre Analysis: Abstract
8.  Individual Conference
9. Peer Review
10. Reading through Publication Guidelines
11. Journal Article Publication Workshop Preparation
12. Journal Article Publication Workshop
13. Research Proposal Presentation Preparation
14. Research Proposal Presentation
15. Research Proposal Presentation Reflection & Course Review
16. Reserach Proposal Final Draft Due
/Preparation and review class
Class participation is necessary to receive the full benefit of the course.

Students are expected to complete the class readings before class and be ready to fully participate in class discussions.
All assignments must be submitted on time.

Students are encouraged to visit the instructor's office during office hours for questions related to the content of the course.
/Teaching materials
Class materials will be provided by the instructor.
Final grade of this course will based on the following items:

1. Genre analysis assignments
2. Journal article publication Workshop
3. Research Proposal
4. Research Proposal Presentation
5. Class participation
/Grading Criteria
秀 = 90-100
The student has demonstrated an excellent understanding of the course content and has fully addressed the assigned questions/tasks.

優= 80-89
The student has demonstrated a good understanding of the course content and has addressed most of the assigned questions/tasks.

良 = 70-79
The student has demonstrated a fair understanding of the course content and has addressed the assigned questions/tasks at a satisfactory level.

可 = 60-69
The student has demonstrated some understanding of the course content and has addressed the assigned questions/tasks, but needs some improvements.

不可 = below 60
The student has demonstrated little to no effort and/or poor understanding of the basics of the course content and assignments.
Class will be conducted in English.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
Students are prohibited from using any generative AI tools when completing assignments for this course. Failure to do your own work may result in a lower grade or in failing the course.
/Method of class
○大学院授業/Graduate school class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents
1 1. Course Overview Introduction to the course
2 2. Introduction to EAP Genre Analysis Class time will be spent on understanding the English for Specific Purposes approach to analyzing the target text.  
3 3. Genre Analysis: Introduction This lesson will focus on examining the purpose, rhetorical moves, and lexicogrammatical features of an introduction section in a research proposal.
4 4. Library Workshop We will meet in the library to search possible journal articles that could be used for references in our own research proposals.
5 5. Genre Analysis: Summary and Critique This lesson will focus on examining the purpose, rhetorical moves, and lexicogrammatical features for summarizing and critiquing previous studies in a research proposal.
6 6. Genre Analysis: Gap Statement This lesson will focus on examining the purpose, rhetorical moves, and lexicogrammatical features of a gap statement in a research proposal.
7 7. Genre Analysis: Abstract This lesson will focus on examining the purpose, rhetorical moves, and lexicogrammatical features of a paper abstract.
8 8. Individual Conference Students will receive individual feedback on their first draft of the research proposals from the course instructor.
9 9. Peer Review Students will read their peers' research proposal (second draft) and provide feedback on areas for improvement.
10 10. Reading through Publication Guidelines Students will select one journal of their choice and familiarize themselves with the journal's publication guidelines.
11 11. Journal Article Publication Workshop Preparation Students will design a workshop to teach their peers about certain linguistic guidelines from the journal of their choice.
12 12. Journal Article Publication Workshop Students will lead a workshop on publication guidelines for the journal of their choice.
13 13. Research Proposal Presentation Preparation Students will prepare for an oral presentation about their research proposal.
14 14. Research Proposal Presentation Students will deliver an oral presentation about thier research proposal.
15 15. Research Proposal Presentation Reflection & Course Review Class time will be spent on reflecting the course objectives, students' performances, and achievements.
16 16. Final Research Proposal Due
