
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/03/22 現在

科目名/Subject ビジネス経済学I
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 池田 真介(商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 学科別専門科目
開講学期/Semester 2024年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 月/Mon 3,金/Fri 4
対象所属/Eligible Faculty 商学部昼間コース/Faculty of CommerceDay School,商学部夜間主コース/Faculty of CommerceNight School
配当年次/Years 1年,2年,3年,4年
単位数/Credits 2.0
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/02/28
/Course Objectives and method
This is the first half of the Business Economics series in the “glocal” education program at Otaru University of Commerce (OUC). The class accommodates both YOUC international students and OUC regular students who wish to learn Business Economics in English.

The main objective of this course is to provide you with some opportunities to learn the microeconomics of business enterprises and their pricing strategies based on the theory of monopoly. I will follow my slides in class (to be circulated for free), but I will encourage your active participation by asking various questions and letting you do group work.

I do not assume your previous knowledge about elementary microeconomic courses (e.g., Introduction to Economics I (経済学入門1) in the spring semester for freshmen). However, you are in a relatively advantageous position if you have such exposure previously or simultaneously.
/Course Goals
I want you to become more familiar with economists’ ways of thinking about business issues from the viewpoint of optimality/incentive and efficiency for individuals and firms. Given assumptions on the competitive environment and information among them, you are supposed to apply your acquired knowledge to some business and managerial cases. This aspect distinguishes my class from most other courses in the Econ department. In particular, I will ask you to write a case report about an actual business (restaurant, souvenir shop, café, rotating sushi bar, etc.) of your strong interest based on the knowledge you will learn in the class.
/Course contents
1. Theory-1: The Market Demand Curve.
2. Theory-2: The Production Cost.
3. Theory-3: Economies of Scale.
4. Case-1: Price vs. Average Cost in a Funeral Industry.
5. Theory-4: Monopoly.
6. Theory-5: Margin.
7. Case-2: Revenue or Profit at a Ramen Noodle Shop in Otaru.
8. Theory-6: Elasticity.
9. Case-3: Uber’s Surging Prices.  
10. Theory-7: Price Discriminations and Market Segmentations.
11. Theory-8: Economies of Scope and Sophisticated Mass Marketing.
12. Case-4: Mini vs. Takeoka.
13. Theory-9: Sustainability of Monopoly and The Innovator’s Dilemma.
14. Case-5: Toyota vs. Tesla.

I will cover Theory-9 and Case-5 only if we have enough time.

The class will be in-person: it will turn to online sessions only if any unexpected social turmoil emerges (e.g., a global pandemic, natural disaster, war, etc.) I have an email account for your quick communications with me:


You should submit your homework assignments, questions, etc., to this account.

This course is quarterly with two sessions each week: one on Monday 3rd (12:50-14:20) and another on Friday 4th (14:30-16:00), and the course spans from September 27th (Fri) to November 15th (Fri), with 5 Monday sessions and 8 Friday sessions because of two holidays on Mondays this year. I may have a makeup Zoom session and another in-person session (TBD). I will assign you a take-home midterm exam sometime in the beginning of October (due in the middle of October), and the final case report in the middle of November (due in the beginning of December).
/Preparation and review class
No particular ones are planned.
/Teaching materials
My slides (circulated for free) will be uploaded on Manaba regularly.
I can adjust them appropriately if you are medically challenged.

My slides are based on various references. I will let you know in a printed version of this syllabus (to be circulated just before the beginning of the course through Manaba).
[1] Attendance (10%)
[2] Homework Assignments (20%)
[3] Midterm Exam (30%)
[4] Final Case Report (40%)
/Grading Criteria
All previous students who attended as many classes as possible and submitted as many assignments as possible could pass this course. However, you must work harder to get an “A” grade.

Here are some tips about each of the grading criteria.

[1]: I will circulate the attendance sheet at the beginning of each session.

[2]: You will have homework of a “T/F” style after each “Theory” session.

[3]: The midterm exam will be analytical and of a “take-home” style. TBD later.

[4]: The final report will be about an actual business of your vital interest. I will allow you to work on this project in a group (of two or three students).
BE-2 will be offered in this winter quarter December 2024-January 2025 (the second half of this semester) for students in Sophomore or higher years and not for most of you in the freshman years. Please wait for the next Spring quarter April to June 2025 (the first half of the next semester). I will assume some basic knowledge (such as monopoly pricing, elasticity, etc.) in BE-1 for your smooth learning in BE-2. I will review them in BE-2, but only briefly and selectively. I strongly recommend that you take BE-1 for credits to prepare for BE-2.

If you wish to cancel your registration for this course, please do so from October 16th to 21st. I cannot manage your petition for canceling this course after this period. Please remember that it is different from the schedule of canceling most other semester-wide courses (November 20th to 26th).
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Method of class
①面接授業/Face-To-Face class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
/Additional information
地域(北海道)に関する学習内容を含む/Includes learning content on region(Hokkaido)
/Detailed information on
additional information
Some cases are regarding business in Otaru.
/made this syllabus according to the guidelines
