
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/03/22 現在

科目名/Subject ビジネス英語II
担当教員(所属)/Instructor クランキー (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 学科別専門科目
開講学期/Semester 2024年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 水/Wed 1
対象所属/Eligible Faculty 商学部昼間コース/Faculty of CommerceDay School,商学部夜間主コース/Faculty of CommerceNight School
配当年次/Years 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 2
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/03/05
/Course Objectives and method
This is a course of Business English, and mainly focuses on topics in the Hokkaido economy and in Hokkaido business, through English. It is open to both Japanese students and exchange students from non-English speaking countries. Special attention will be given to Otaru and Sapporo. The course is a discussion course, where normally each week we begin with an overall topic, read something from the English news, and then discuss it. For some students, this will be a continuation of Business English I, but it may be taken without previously taking Business English I.
/Course Goals
As this is mainly a discussion course, the goals for the course are to improve students' abilities to discuss business topics in English, with a particular focus on Hokkaido business.
/Course contents
1. Introduction
2. Review from Business English I
3. Hokkaido coastal economies
4. Hokkaido agricultural economies
5. Hokkaido urban economies
6. Hokkaido rural economies
7. Presentation prep
8. Presentation prep
9. Presentations
10. Presentations
11. Hokkaido development
12. Rapidus
13. Hokkaido Tourism
14. Review
15. Review

(Topics subject to change, depending on what is happening in the news.)
/Preparation and review class
Students interested in Hokkaido, in speaking English, and in the news, will enjoy this class. There is no advanced preparation required for the course. Handouts will be given when appropriate. Links to interesting material will also be given when necessary.
/Teaching materials
Handouts will be given when appropriate.
Attendance and participation are both important to this class. Attending, but not participating, or attending and participating only part of the time will be graded accordingly.

Participation in the discussions: 75%
Presentation: 25%
/Grading Criteria
Active participation in the discussions is most important, as is the result of the course project presentation is also important. Course project varies from semester to semester. Regarding attendance: Five or more absences (unless excused) will result in an automatic failure of the course.
This class will mostly be face to face, but there will be times when On Demand or Zoom or Hybrid classes may work better (like when we can arrange an off-site speaker).
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Method of class
①面接授業/Face-To-Face class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
/Additional information
地域(北海道)に関する学習内容を含む/Includes learning content on region(Hokkaido)
/Detailed information on
additional information
Regarding the use of AI tools in this class. You may use AI tools for brainstorming, for comprehension, and finding new ways to say things. You may not use AI tools for the writing up of entire assignments, presentations, or research projects. Those should be written by you. Failure to do your own work may result in a lower grade or in failing the course.
/made this syllabus according to the guidelines
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents
