
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/03/22 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IIA1/B1(E216A1/B1)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 朱 易安 (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2024年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 4
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
研究室番号/Office 朱 易安(1号館520室)
オフィスアワー/Office hours 朱 易安
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/03/08
/Course Objectives and method
Tea is an important beverage in many cultures around the world, also known for its great diversity. In this course, we will read World atlas of tea by Krisi Smith to enhance our English reading skills and also to understand diverse tea cultures around the world. During each class, the instructor will provide a sample of different types of tea for the students to taste. After having read the book, the student will create a poster explaining in English an aspect of any tea culture in the world and present it to the colleagues during the two poster sessions. In the final class, we will have a small tea party, where students can bring their favorite tea and dessert, and freely discuss diverse topics in English.
/Course Goals
The goal of the course is to read a book in English together and discuss related topics, as well as understanding the diversity of human culinary cultures.
/Course contents
1. Introduction to the course
2. The tea plant / Varieties, blends and grades
3. Harvesting / Processing
4. A short history of tea / The question of sustainability
5. Tea brewing basics / Tea tools
6. Buying and storing tea / Tea tasting / The health benefits of tea
7. Tea blending / Tea mixology
8. Africa
9. Indian subcontinent
10. The Middle East
11. Far East (1)
12. Far East (2)
13. Poster session (1)
14. Poster session (2)
15. Tea party
/Preparation and review class
The student is expected to read approximately twenty pages (including pictures) before each class.
/Teaching materials
Smith, Krisi (2016). World atlas of tea: from the leaf to the cup, the world’s teas explored and enjoyed. Mitchell Beazley.
Except for the first class, the poster sessions, and the tea party, there will be a quiz in each class consisting of five short questions to test whether the student has read the chapters. The eleven quizzes will count for 60% of the grade. The remaining 40% will be based on the poster presentation, namely how clearly and concisely the student creates the poster and presents it to the audience.
/Grading Criteria
Short quizzes 60%
Poster session 40%
In case where the student can provide a justifiable reason for their absence, the quiz not taken during the absent class will not be reflected on the final grade.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Method of class
①面接授業/Face-To-Face class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
