
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/03/22 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IC(E144C)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor ブランクレイ (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2024年度/Academic Year  後期/Fall Semester
開講曜限/Class period 火/Tue 4
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/03/05
/Course Objectives and method
The course will take students through 12 readings in American literature.  The aim is to have students take comprehensive notes, practice reading aloud, and respond to the themes of the readings.  Students will also engage in limited and controlled pair-work using the target language.  They will also learn how to write book reports in a specific genre as outlined in the instructions given.  Significantly, students will be introduced to the idea of identifying the pedagogical intent of the author.  Various literary devices will be highlighted throughout.
/Course Goals
Through systematic use of the Cornell note-taking system, students can expect to significantly improve the way they engage in texts through both reading and writing.  Also, students will become accustomed to writing 3 paragraph book reports in a specific structure and be challenged to understand how to respond critically to short stories covered.  Students can expect to use the target language for the entire class using all four macro skills.
/Course contents
1. Young Man Axelbrod. * (reading aloud, pair-work, Cornell notes)
2. A Pair of Silk Stockings. *
3. Omit Flowers. *
4. In class timed writing (assessment)
5. David Swan. *
6. The Pace of Youth
7. The Californian’s Tale
8. In class timed writing (assessment)
9. Rain, Rain, Go Away *
10. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. *
11. Its Wavering Image. *
12. In class timed writing (assessment)
13. The Tree of Knowledge. *
14. All The Years of Her Life. *
15. In class timed writing (assessment)
/Preparation and review class
The notes taken will ensure students have an established method with which to review.
/Teaching materials
Discovering Fiction: An Introduction A Reader of North American Short Stories 2nd Edition by Judith Kay & Rosemary Gelshenen Cambridge University Press isbn 978-1-107-63802-0
Every 4th week students’ written responses will be assessed. The written responses will be structured as 3 a paragraph essay addressing a short summary identifying the main action, addressing characters’ motivations and predicaments, and finally identifying  and responding with an analysis of the pedagogical intention.  Cornell style notes taken in preceding classes will be allowed but without the use of AI or smartphones.
/Grading Criteria
Written work will be graded on correct structure (i.e., an appropriate response to the prompts given), originality, evidence of reasoning, evidence of critical analysis, complexity, brevity, and cohesion.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Outline of their practical
The teacher’s practical career in university system spans over 20 years.   The teacher has several decades experience as head-teacher and curriculum / program design.
/Relevance between their
practical experiences and
the course
The teacher has undergrad in liberal arts and Masters in Applied Linguistics  / Education, which are all relevant to the course being covered.
/Method of class
①面接授業/Face-To-Face class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
/Additional information
地域(北海道)に関する学習内容を含む/Includes learning content on region(Hokkaido)
/made this syllabus according to the guidelines
