
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/03/22 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IB(E129B)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor フリーゼン ケンレイ (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2024年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 火/Tue 5
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/02/28
/Course Objectives and method
Course Objectives:
• To improve students' ability to communicate effectively in English
• To develop students' knowledge and understanding of functional language, including the ability to use language to express opinions, make suggestions, agree and disagree, negotiate, and persuade.
• To enable students to use communication strategies effectively.
• To prepare students to participate confidently and effectively in discussions of real-world issues.

Course Method:
• An interactive and communicative approach will be adopted in the course, with an emphasis on learner-centered activities.
• Group and pair work activities will be incorporated into the course.
• Authentic materials, such as videos, podcasts, and news articles, will be used to provide real-life contexts for communication.
• Simulated role-plays and discussions will be utilized.
• The use of technology will be integrated to enhance learning and to provide students with opportunities to practice their language skills.
/Course Goals
The course goals for this communications class are designed to improve learners' ability to communicate in oral English. The approach is multifaceted and focused on enhancing students' communication skills in a variety of contexts. First, the course aims to improve students' ability to speak confidently and effectively in English. Students will be exposed to authentic language input in the form of audio and video materials that will help them to develop their listening comprehension skills and expand their vocabulary.

Second, the course aims to develop students' understanding of functional language, such as language for expressing opinions, making suggestions, agreeing and disagreeing, and negotiating. Students will learn how to use functional language in different communication contexts, such as in debates, presentations, and discussions. Third, the course aims to equip students with communication strategies that they can use to improve their communication skills. These strategies will include non-verbal cues, body language, and tone of voice, which can be used to convey meaning more effectively and to engage in successful communication.

Finally, the course aims to prepare students to discuss real-world issues with confidence. This includes developing students' ability to analyze and evaluate different viewpoints, express opinions, and engage in respectful debate. By the end of the course, students will be able to communicate effectively in English, using functional language and communication strategies, and will be equipped to participate confidently in discussions of real-world issues.
/Course contents
The order of the topics is as follows:
1. Week 1: Unit 1: Exchange personal information
2. Week 2: Unit 1: Discuss friendship and personality types
3. Week 3: Unit 2: Career
4. Week 4: Unit 2: Job skills and comparing jobs
5. Week 5: Unit 3: Asking for a favour
6. Week 6: Unit 3 Making a request
7. Week 7: Speaking test
8. Week 8: Speaking test 
9. Week 9: Unit 4: The media: News
10. Week 10: Unit 4: The media: Exceptional events
11. Week 11: Unit 5: Discussing culture
12. Week 12: Unit 5: Tourism and travel
13. Week 13: Unit 6: Making a complaint
14. Week 14: Unit 6: Discussing problems
15. Week 15: Unit 7: Discussing environmental issues
16. Week 16: Final Exam
If there is any change to this content it will be posted in the Course News forum on the Manaba site.
/Preparation and review class
Students should prepare for lessons by reading the textbook unit that will be studied in each class. Students will be required to review the language structures, vocabulary, and strategies in order to pass the speaking tests. There will be weekly quizzes and bi-weekly written forums that students will be expected to complete outside of class hours. The textbook contains an online course component that we will use extensively. Completing the online course material will be done as homework assignments and students will be expected to do this in their own time. Students should expect to spend an hour each week outside of class completing the quizzes, forums, and other online course materials. There will be 2 speaking tests. Students will be expected to prepare for these speaking tests outside of class with their group members.
/Teaching materials
Interchange Level 3A Student's Book with Online Self-Study
Authors: Richards, Jack, and Hull, Jonathon, and Proctor, Susan
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 5th edition (July 6, 2017)
Publication date: July 6, 2017
Paperback: 156 pages
ISBN-10 : 1316620530
ISBN-13 : 978-1316620533
Students are expected to buy a new textbook so that they will have a code for the online course materials.
Grades can be divided into five categories. 1. Weekly quizzes on the Manaba site, participation in forum discussions, and completion of assignments on the Manaba site. 2. A speaking test in class in week seven or eight. 3. Online course material on the Cambridge site. 4. Final exam. 5. Participation and willingness to communicate in English

Quizzes, forum discussions, Manaba assignments: 20%
Speaking test: 20%
Online course materials: 20%
Final exam: 20%
Participation: 20%
Note: Grades will be curved at the end of the semester so that fewer than 50% of the students will achieve an A or A plus grade.
/Grading Criteria
秀: 100 点~90 点: Near perfect attendance. Excellent participation. Outstanding speaking test.
優:89 点~80 点: Attendance is at least 87%. Above average participation in class discussions. Above average speaking test.
良:79 点~70 点: Attendance is at least 80%. Average class participation. Nothing outstanding in either class participation or speaking test.
可:69 点~60 点: Attendance is at least 66.6%.
不可:59 点以下: 5回以上欠席した場合は単位を取得できません。 成績計算で 60% に達しない場合も不合格となる場合があります。 10 回のクラスに出席しても合格点が保証されるわけではありません。
As the world continues to become more interconnected, the ability to speak English is increasingly important for students in Japan. There are several reasons why Japanese university students should develop their English language skills, including future academic and career success and becoming responsible global citizens. First, many academic programs at universities around the world are conducted in English. Therefore, students who can speak English have a greater opportunity to access these programs and gain a more diverse academic experience. Furthermore, English language skills are essential for students who wish to pursue graduate studies or research opportunities overseas.

Proficiency in English is highly valued by many employers, both in Japan and abroad. Many companies require employees to communicate in English, and those who can do so effectively are often seen as valuable assets to the company. Furthermore, having the ability to speak English opens up opportunities for international business and collaboration, which can enhance one's career prospects.

Finally, learning English can also help students become responsible global citizens who can contribute to a better world. Being able to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds fosters understanding and cooperation, which can lead to positive change. Additionally, English language skills enable individuals to participate in global discussions and initiatives, such as those related to climate change or human rights. Developing the ability to speak English is essential for Japanese university students who wish to succeed academically and professionally, as well as become responsible global citizens.

AI tools and machine translation are not allowed. Students who are found to be using AI or machine translation will receive a zero score for that assignment. Repeated use of AI and machine translation may result in severe penalties. You may use your smartphone in class as a dictionary, to look up information, and to submit assignments. You cannot use your smartphone to complete assignments using AI and/or machine translation tools.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Method of class
①面接授業/Face-To-Face class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
