
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/03/22 現在

科目名/Subject 基礎ゼミナール 小野塚 祐紀
担当教員(所属)/Instructor 小野塚 祐紀 (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 共通科目
開講学期/Semester 2024年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 月/Mon 3
対象所属/Eligible Faculty 商学部昼間コース/Faculty of CommerceDay School
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 2
研究室番号/Office 小野塚 祐紀(1号館441室)
オフィスアワー/Office hours 小野塚 祐紀(前期:月曜15:00-16:00
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/02/26
/Course Objectives and method
This seminar is intended to help students learn basic academic skills by examining policies based on data.
Students will be randomly assigned to a group of 3 or 4 to work as a team. Each group will choose a policy aimed at mitigating the damage from the COVID crisis and examine it. Each group will be required to write a report and make a presentation on their chosen policy at the midterm and final. The instructor will provide tips and general advice regarding writing a report and making a presentation. Also, each group will receive comments and advice on their reports and presentations from both the instructor and their peers.
/Course Goals
Students will
1) learn how to search relevant information on a topic
2) gain experience analyzing the topic based on data
3) learn basic skills for academic writing and presention
4) gain experience working with other students
/Course contents
1: Introduction
2: Basics of academic report/paper
3-4: Choosing a policy to study
5: Library use seminar
6: General advice and tips for writing and presentation
7-8: Preparation for midterm report/presentation
9: Midterm presentaion-1
10: Midterm presentaion-2
11: Feedback on midterm paper
12-13: Preparation for final presentation/report
14: Final presentaion-1
15: Final presentation-2
/Preparation and review class
Students will be given some amount of time to work on their reports and presentations during class, but they will probably need to work outside of class to finish your reports and preparation for presentations. In addition, they will also need some time to read a report by another group and write some comments on it.
/Teaching materials
No textbook.

Materials will be provided by the instructor.
Group output: 50%
-2 presentations (10% for midterm, 15% for final)
-2 report submissions (10% for midterm, 15% for final)

Individual output: 50%
-Assignments (10%)
-Contribution in class (30%)
-Presentation/Report (10%)
/Grading Criteria
100-90 秀
89-80 優
79-70 良
69-60 可
0-59 不可
This seminar is provided in English. Japanese may be used supplementarily depending on the situation.
No more than 16 students will be allowed to take this seminar.
The schedule is subject to change.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
/Method of class
①面接授業/Face-To-Face class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
