
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2023/08/21 現在

科目名/Subject 言語教育論/Topics in Linguistics and Language Teaching
担当教員(所属)/Instructor クランキー (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 現代商学専攻博士前期課程 基本科目
開講学期/Semester 2023年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 3
対象所属/Eligible Faculty 商学研究科現代商学専攻博士前期課程/Graduate School of CommerceGraduate School of Commerce Major in Modern Commerce
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年
単位数/Credits 2
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2023/02/20
/Course Objectives and method
This is a course in language teaching where the content changes may vary each semester. This semester, the course will be focused on the theory and practice of language teaching. It is intended for future teachers of English at the junior high and senior high school level.
/Course Goals
By the end of the course, students will have a base of knowledge to draw from that will be useful to them as future language teaching professionals locally here in Japan. As many of our graduates find employment teaching here in Hokkaido, particular focus will be given to the classroom situation here on this island, while understanding the requirements set forth by the education ministry.
/Course contents
(Anticipated Schedule)

1. Introduction and Overview of the Course
Homework 1: Review Language and Our World
Homework 2: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading Introduction
2. Review material in Language and Our World
Homework 1: Review Language and Our Lives
Homework 2: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 1
3. Review material in Language and Our Lives
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 2
4. Chapter 1: English as a world language (who learns it and why)
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 3
5. Chapter 2: Theories of language and language learning
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 4
6. Chapter 3: A discussion of learner characteristics that influence teacher decisions, including guidance on managing learning
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 5
7. Chapter 4: A description of approaches to teaching language systems (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation), and to teaching language skills (speaking, writing, listening, and reading)
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 6
8. Chapter 5: A wide range of practical teaching ideas
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 7
9. Chapter 6 An examination of the role of technology (old and new) in the classroom
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 8
10. Chapter 7: A description of assessment for language learning in the digital age
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 9
11. Hokkaido-specific information
Homework 1: Watch, A Modular Approach to Reading: Unit 10
12. Mock lessons (1) Active skills (Speaking/Writing)
13. Mock lessons (2) Passive skills (Reading/Listening)
14. Review
15. Final exam

(Further homework will be given as appropriate)
/Preparation and review class
It is highly recommended and will be assumed that each student has taken (or is concurrently taking) the undergraduate 3rd and 4th year teacher training program courses. Prior to taking this course, it is highly recommended that all students read the following two books. (Both books are available in the library.)

Clankie and Kobayashi, Language and Our World. Sanshusha 978-4-384-33381-7
Clankie and Kobayashi, Language and Our Lives. Sanshusha 978-4-384-33427-2

Following each class there will be a homework and video review. These are partially given in the course contents above. Each week, following a class, you should review any areas which remain unclear. And then, once you understand, then move on to the next unit for the upcoming class. The Modular Approach to Reading videos are presented from a learner's perspective and are intended to give you a view of how to be a better reader in a foreign language, information that can then be better presented to students of these future teachers. And while they focus solely on reading, that skill is one of the most frequently encountered for teachers at the junior and senior high school level, therefore its emphasis.
/Teaching materials
Harmer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson. 978-1447980254 (5,170円). (I will try to place one or two copies in the university library.)

This book includes a DVD. We will use the DVD as well as the book.

We will also be using "A Modular Approach to Reading". These videos are online and are free to watch.
50% Socratic direct questioning of the students (theory)
50% ability to use the principals taught in the course (application in the form of the mock lessons)
/Grading Criteria
This is a graduate level course. This course assumes a large amount of background knowledge. Students lacking that background knowledge will find this class very difficult. Students will not only need to be able to understand the theories and methods presented in this course, but they will need to apply them to a real teaching situation in the form of the mock lessons.

標語(評点) 評価基準
秀 (100~90) 個々の科目について秀でた理解力及び応用力を有している
優 (89~80) 個々の科目について優れた理解力及び応用力を有している
良 (79~70) 個々の科目について良い理解力及び応用力を有している
可 (69~60) 個々の科目について理解力及び応用力を有している
不可(59~0) 個々の科目について十分な理解力又は応用力を有していない
This course is only normally only for students accepted into the Applied Linguistics/Linguistics/Literature side of the Commerce graduate school program.

3rd and 4th year students who plan to become junior or senior high school teachers of English, may also take the course. But, these students should contact the professor (shawn@res.otaru-uc.ac.jp) before registering for the course.
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
This class will normally be face-to-face.

Contact: shawn@res.otaru-uc.ac.jp
O.H. 12-12:50 on Thursdays, pref. by appointment.
/Method of class
○大学院授業/Graduate school class
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
/Additional information
地域(北海道)に関する学習内容を含む/Includes learning content on region(Hokkaido)
/made this syllabus according to the guidelines
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents
