科目一覧へ戻る | 2022/04/06 現在 |
科目名/Subject | グローカルセミナーIII |
担当教員(所属)/Instructor | 松本 朋哉 (商学部) , 池田 真介 (商学部) |
授業科目区分/Category | YOUC PROGRAM |
開講学期/Semester | 2022年度/Academic Year 前期/Spring Semester |
開講曜限/Class period | 火/Tue 4 |
対象所属/Eligible Faculty | 商学部/Faculty of Commerce |
配当年次/Years | 3年 , 4年 |
単位数/Credits | 2 |
研究室番号/Office | |
オフィスアワー/Office hours |
更新日/Date of renewal | 2022/03/09 |
授業の目的・方法 /Course Objectives and method |
Glocal Seminar III (GS3) and IV (GS4) are designed to develop knowledge and skills to pursue academic research. In GS3, students 1) learn the basics of qualitative and/or quantitative social science studies with instructors' tutoring through readings of existing studies, discussions in the class, and/or fieldwork, and 2) find their research topic by the end of the course. In GS4, students pursue their research along with instructors' guides. |
達成目標 /Course Goals |
The seminars focus on the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are necessary to conduct empirical research. Empirical research uses qualitative and quantitative data and methods to understand the mechanism behind real-world phenomena. It complements theoretical research and helps us deeply understand social issues and problems and develop policy implications for their solutions by combining theoretical analyses. Students learn the basics in GS3, and apply the knowledge and methods for their research projects and summarize the outcomes in GS4. The GS3 goals are to learn the basics of: 1. How to find research questions in the field of social science through the reading of existing studies (literature review). 2. To learn how to collect observational, experimental, and dialogical information (e.g., survey, experiment design, case study, interview, and participant observation). 3. How to analyze and summarize the information to be collected. 4. To choose a research topic. The GS4 goals are to apply the basics of the empirical research learned in GS3: 1. How to design a research project using a relevant method for the research topic. 2. To implement the project and collect the information necessary for the study. 3. How to summarize and present the research outcomes in the seminar. |
授業内容 /Course contents |
We offer two series of Glocal Seminars parallelly in each semester. One is the economics-oriented series called GSEcon (referring to GS3Econ and GS4Econ), and the other is the commerce-oriented series called GSComm (referring to GS3Comm and GS4Comm). Students can choose either GSEcon or GSComm based on their interests. Profs. Ikeda and Matsumoto are in charge of GSEcon, while Profs. Kobayashi and Wang are of GSComm. The GSEcon focuses more on quantitative studies (e.g., statistics, survey, and experimental design), while the GSComm does more on qualitative studies (e.g., case study, interview, and participant observation). When students take the Glocal Seminar series, the first course is counted as GS3, while the second course is counted as GS4. For instance, a typical student takes GS3 in the fall semester of the 3rd year to learn the basics of research methods and takes GS4 in the fall semester of the 4th year to apply the methods to implement their research projects. Although students can technically take GS3Econ and GS4Comm, or vice versa, the instructors highly recommend you enroll in both GS3 and GS4 from the same series (i.e., GS3Econ and GS4Econ, or GS3Comm and GS4Comm) to deepen your knowledge and skills in either field, particularly for the Glocal Course students (グローカル主専攻学生). |
事前学修・事後学修 /Preparation and review lesson |
Assignments will be given through Manaba. |
使用教材 /Teaching materials |
Materials are given by the instructors. |
成績評価の方法 /Grading |
Grades will be determined based on seminar participation, class presentation, and final report. The details are given by instructors. |
成績評価の基準 /Grading Criteria |
This class follows the OUC guideline for grading, which is given by A(秀): 100-90 B(優): 89-80 C(良): 79-70 D(可): 69-60 F(不可): 59-1 F(不可): 0 |
履修上の注意事項 /Remarks |
Students must attend the course orientation session, where course details are given. The session schedule (URL and time) will be announced through Manaba by April 1, 2022. There are no prerequisite courses for this class. However, it is preferred to take some basic courses such as Business Economics I/II (ビジネス経済学I/II), Microeconomics (ミクロ経済学), Introduction to Empirical Research (実証研究入門) and Statistics (統計学) for GSEcon; and marketing and management related courses for GSComm in advance. |
実務経験者による授業 /Courses conducted by the ones with practical experiences |
該当しない |