科目一覧へ戻る | 2022/04/06 現在 |
科目名/Subject | 英語IIA1/B1(E208A1/B1) |
担当教員(所属)/Instructor | ケンプ (商学部) |
授業科目区分/Category | 昼間コース 外国語科目等 |
開講学期/Semester | 2022年度/Academic Year 前期/Spring Semester |
開講曜限/Class period | 他 |
対象所属/Eligible Faculty | |
配当年次/Years | 2年 , 3年 , 4年 |
単位数/Credits | 1 |
研究室番号/Office | |
オフィスアワー/Office hours |
更新日/Date of renewal | 2022/02/24 |
授業の目的・方法 /Course Objectives and method |
This is a reading course, which teaches students reading strategies in order to become better readers. Students will be taught reading strategies such as summarizing, authors purpose, skim reading etc |
達成目標 /Course Goals |
Develop students skills in interpreting written English through reading strategies. Develop students skills in discussing ideas about a topic before reading texts. Increasing students vocabulary understanding and knowledge. |
授業内容 /Course contents |
Course will involve students reading texts about recent cultural topics as well as excepts from classic novels. Also reading text while listening to the audio with comprehension exercises. |
事前学修・事後学修 /Preparation and review lesson |
N/A |
使用教材 /Teaching materials |
Textbook: Cover To Cover 3, Oxford University Press |
成績評価の方法 /Grading |
Small Tests, Mid-Term Exam, Course Participation 50% Final Exam 50% |
成績評価の基準 /Grading Criteria |
100-90点 秀 89-80点 優 79-70点 良 69-60点 可 59-1点 不可 |
実務経験者による授業 /Courses conducted by the ones with practical experiences |
該当しない |