
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2022/04/06 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IB(E137B)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor デイビス (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2022年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 金/Fri 1
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2022/02/21
/Course Objectives and method
The focus of this course is topic-based conversations, where students will practice English in pairs and groups for personalized and learner-centered interaction.  Particular attention will be paid to how students actively use English and focus on developing discussion strategies in real time. The lessons will be conducted real-time by Zoom or in-person lectures (subject to change in circumstances).
/Course Goals
(i) develop the conversation strategies needed for effective English communication in everyday situations, such as talking about feelings and reactions.
(ii) practice the vocabulary, grammar, and functions encountered most often in real life.

(iii) demonstrate confidence in communicating in English, through clear and effective self-expression.

(iv) develop speaking fluency through group and personalized activities on contemporary topics.
(v) develop fluency and confidence in writing and speaking through writing practice and oral presentations.
(vi) To collate and submit two portfolios of projects, quizzes, assignments, and presentations conducted in class or as homework.
/Course contents
Week 1: Orientation: Introduce the course structure, expectations and goals. Unit 1. Lesson A. Education. (Simple Present vs. Present Continuous).
Week 2: Unit 1. Lesson B. You’re not Allowed to….. (Prohibition and obligation).
Week 3: Unit 1.  Lesson C. My Behavior. (Describing feelings and emotions, using the zero conditional).
Week 4: Unit 2. Lesson A. What were you doing? (Sentence adverbs).
Week 5: Unit 2. Lesson B. Guess what? (Sharing news). Unit 2. Lesson C. I was really frightened! (Participial Adjectives).
Week 6: Unit 3. Lesson A. Fashion Trends (Used to/use to). Unit 9. Lesson B. Does this come in..? (Shopping questions).                
Week 7: Unit 3 Lesson C. The Latest Look. (Defining relative clauses).  ASSIGNMENT: PORTFOLIO Weeks 1-7.              
Week 8: Unit 4. Lesson A. Have you ever been on TV? (Present perfect tense).
Week 9: Unit 4. Lesson B. What I mean is…(Contrastive stress in responses).
Week 10: Unit 4. Lesson C. Life Experiences. (Present perfect vs. simple past).
Week 11: Unit 5. Lesson A. Older, Taller, and more Famous. (Comparisons with adjectives and nouns). Unit 5. Lesson B. I don’t Believe it! (Intonation in tag questions).
Week 12: Unit 5. Lesson C. World Geography. (Superlatives with adjectives and nouns).
Week 13:  Unit 6. Lesson A. A Busy Week. (Present tense used for future).
Week 14: Unit 6. Lesson B. Can I take a Message? (Practice telephone conversations).
Week 15: Unit 6. Lesson C. Can you do me a favour? (Requests; promises and offers with will). ASSIGNMENT: PORTFOLIO Weeks 8-15.              
Week 16: End of Term Exam. Written test on content of the textbook.
/Preparation and
review lesson
Before the lesson each week, students should familiarize themselves with the unit from the course book as detailed in “Course Content”.
/Teaching materials
Four Corners 3A by Jack Richards and David Bohlke.
Cambridge University Press.   ISBN 9781108559805
50% Portfolio Work
40% Written test on contents of textbooks.
10% Contribution and utilization of English in class.
/Grading Criteria
Students will be awarded: Excellent (90%+), A (80-89%), B (70-79%, C (60-69%), or D (0-59%).
/Courses conducted by the
ones with practical
