科目一覧へ戻る | 2022/04/06 現在 |
科目名/Subject | 英語IA(E117A) |
担当教員(所属)/Instructor | ケンプ (商学部) |
授業科目区分/Category | 昼間コース 外国語科目等 |
開講学期/Semester | 2022年度/Academic Year 前期/Spring Semester |
開講曜限/Class period | 他 |
対象所属/Eligible Faculty | |
配当年次/Years | 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年 |
単位数/Credits | 1 |
研究室番号/Office | |
オフィスアワー/Office hours |
更新日/Date of renewal | 2022/02/24 |
授業の目的・方法 /Course Objectives and method |
This is an intermediate level reading course, which teaches students reading strategies in order to become better readers. Students will be taught reading strategies such as summarizing, authors purpose, skim reading etc |
達成目標 /Course Goals |
Develop students skills in interpreting written English through reading strategies. Develop students skills in discussing ideas about a topic before reading texts. Increasing students vocabulary understanding and knowledge. |
授業内容 /Course contents |
Course will involve students reading articles about recent cultural topics as well as excepts of classic novels. Also reading texts while listening to the audio, comprehension and discussion exercises. |
事前学修・事後学修 /Preparation and review lesson |
N/A |
使用教材 /Teaching materials |
Cover To Cover 2, Oxford University Press |
成績評価の方法 /Grading |
Small Tests, Mid-Term Exam, Course Participation 50% Final Exam 50% |
成績評価の基準 /Grading Criteria |
100-90点 秀 89-80点 優 79-70点 良 69-60点 可 59-1点 不可 |
実務経験者による授業 /Courses conducted by the ones with practical experiences |
該当しない |