科目一覧へ戻る | 2023/03/27 現在 |
科目名/Subject | 基礎ゼミナール 森谷 |
担当教員(所属)/Instructor | 森谷 亮太 (商学部) |
授業科目区分/Category | 昼間コース 共通科目 |
開講学期/Semester | 2020年度/Academic Year 後期/Fall Semester |
開講曜限/Class period | 水/Wed 1 |
対象所属/Eligible Faculty | 商学部昼間コース/Faculty of CommerceDay School |
配当年次/Years | 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年 |
単位数/Credits | 2 |
研究室番号/Office | |
オフィスアワー/Office hours |
更新日/Date of renewal | 2020/07/27 | ||
授業の目的・方法 /Course Objectives and method |
The course will provide various learning activities through which you will improve basic skills for the TOEFL test and basic academic skills. The course aims to improve your scores on any official English language tests including TOEFL and your skills for writing the academic essay. There will be four areas of focus: 1. Grammar: learn the basic rules of English by practicing TOEFL listening 2. Reading: learn the basic reading skills including scanning and skimming by practicing TOEFL reading 3. Listening: learn the basic listening skills by practicing TOEFL listening 4. Writing: learn the basic academic essay writing skills |
達成目標 /Course Goals |
学期末までに以下の技能レベルに達することを目標とします: 1. Reinforce the four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) in English 2. Increase vocabulary to improve overall English skills 3. Obtain your target score on any official English language tests including TOEFL 4. Learn how to write a short academic essay |
授業内容 /Course contents |
1 Overview of Semester 1: Schedule and Grading Self-introduction [TOEFL ITP] Practice Test 1 Section 1 Listening 2 [TOEFL] Practice Test 1: Section 2 Structure [PAEWS] ESSAY TYPES (p. 11-13) 3 [TOEFL] Practice Test 1: Section 3 Reading [PAEWS] ESSAY ORGANIZATION (p. 15-20) 4 [TOEFL] Practice Test 2: Section 1 Listening [PAEWS] ESSAY STRUCTURE (p. 21-29) 5 [TOEFL] Practice Test 2: Section 2 Structure [PAEWS] ESSAY OUTLINE (p. 31-36) 6 [TOEFL] Practice Test 2: Section 3 Reading [PAEWS] THE ENGLISH ESSAY WRITING PROCESS (p. 37-43) 7 [TOEFL] Practice Test 3: Section 1 Listening [PAEWS] #1 PRE-WRITE 8 [TOEFL] Practice Test 3: Section 2 Structure [PAEWS] #2 ORGANIZE 9 [TOEFL] Practice Test 3: Section 3 Reading [PAEWS] #3 DRAFT 10 [TOEFL] Practice Test 4: Section 1 Listening [PAEWS] #3 DRAFT (cont’d) 11 [TOEFL] Practice Test 4: Section 2 Structure [PAEWS] #3 DRAFT (cont’d) 12 [TOEFL] Practice Test 4: Section 3 Reading [PAEWS] #3 DRAFT (cont’d) 13 [TOEFL] Practice Test 4: Section 3 Reading (Cont’d) [PAEWS] #3 DRAFT (cont’d) 14 [R] Final Exam [W] #1 Draft DUE* 15 [TOEFL] Makeup Exam Day [PAEWS] PEER-REVIEW (p. 53), Citation (pp. 49-50), References (p. 57) TOEFL ITP Practice Test 16 NO CLASS FINAL COPY DUE** |
事前学修・事後学修 /Preparation and review class |
In order to get a credit for this course you need to meet the following criteria: * Complete all the weekly lessons and assignments by the weekly deadlines. * Attend class each week. You must not be absent more than 4 classes during the course. |
使用教材 /Teaching materials |
•ポール・ワーデン, ロバート・ヒルキ, & 藤井哲郎 (2015). 完全攻略!TOEFL ITPテスト模試4回分. (ISBN 978-4-7574-2622-1) •Stephen, E.D. (2010). Practical Academic Essay Writing Skills: An International ESL Students Essay Writing Handbook. HBICambodia.com. (ISBN 9781511482127) |
成績評価の方法 /Grading |
Attendance 10% Participation 30% Assignment (including Final Copy) 30% Final Exam 30% *Students who hope to add extra credit to their course grades are encouraged to take TOEFL exam. |
成績評価の基準 /Grading Criteria |
S (秀) 90-100 A (優) 80-89 B (良) 70-79 C (可) 60-69 |
履修上の注意事項 /Remarks |
英語による講義、発表やレポート課題があるので、英語運用能力が高い、もしくは強い意欲のある学生の履修が望ましい。将来グローカル副専攻の履修希望がある学生、短期留学プログラムに参加をしたい学生の履修が好ましい。内容は変わることがあります。 | ||
実務経験者による授業 /Courses conducted by the ones with practical experiences |
該当しない/No | ||
遠隔授業 /Online class |