科目一覧へ戻る | 2023/03/17 現在 |
科目名/Subject | 英語ID(E171D) |
担当教員(所属)/Instructor | 高橋 優季 (商学部) |
授業科目区分/Category | 昼間コース 外国語科目等 |
開講学期/Semester | 2019年度/Academic Year 前期/Spring Semester |
開講曜限/Class period | 木/Thu 4 |
対象所属/Eligible Faculty | |
配当年次/Years | 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年 |
単位数/Credits | 1 |
研究室番号/Office | |
オフィスアワー/Office hours |
更新日/Date of renewal | 2019/02/27 | ||
授業の目的・方法 /Course Objectives and method |
* Revising the basic concepts of English grammar and vocabulary, using online lessons to prepare for the compulsory TOEIC IP Test at the end of the course. * Your English reading and listening skills will be enhanced through 80 online lessons. The materials used are targeted at each student's English proficiency, which is assessed in the first class. * To get a credit for this course you must complete all the course materials and score 450 points or more in the end of course TOEIC IP Test. |
達成目標 /Course Goals |
To improve your English reading and listening skills to raise your score on the end of course TOEIC IP test. | ||
授業内容 /Course contents |
Weekly Schedule 1 Orientation & Diagnostic Test 2 Lessons 1~6 3 Lessons 7~16 4 Lessons 17~22 5 Lessons 23~28 6 Lessons 29~34 7 Lessons 35~40 8 Mini TEST 1 9 Lessons 41~46 10 Lessons 47~52 11 Lessons 53~58 12 Lessons 59~64 13 Lessons 65~70 14 Lessons 71~80 15 Mini TEST 2 TOEIC IP Test |
事前学修・事後学修 /Preparation and review class |
* There are 80 lessons to practice your English reading and listening skills to prepare you for the TOEIC IP Test. You need to complete 6 to 10 lessons per week. * In class you access the Really English system class on a PC. Outside class you can access the system via PC, tablet or smartphone any time to finish the lessons by the weekly deadline (before the next class). * There are two Mini TOEIC Tests (60 minutes – in weeks 8 and 15) |
使用教材 /Teaching materials |
Really English e-learning software (http://www.reallyenglish.co.jp/ ). You will be given a login number in the first class. Cost: ¥3,240. After you set up your account in the first week you need to pay for the course at a convenience store. |
成績評価の方法 /Grading |
In order to get a credit for this course you need to meet the following criteria: * Complete all the weekly lessons by the weekly deadlines. * Take the two mini-tests. * Attend class each week. You must not be absent more than 4 classes during the course. |
成績評価の基準 /Grading Criteria |
Your grade for this course is based on the score you achieve in the end of course TOEIC IP test. Grading is as follows: TOEIC Score Grade 0-445 不可 450-495 可 500-545 良 550-595 優 600+ 秀 |
履修上の注意事項 /Remarks |
1. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class. If you are more than 30 minutes late you will be marked absent. If you are absent MORE THAN 4 TIMES during the course, you will not be able to get a credit for this class. 2. You must complete the weekly lessons by the deadline or your grade will be affected! |
遠隔授業 /Online class |