
授業情報/Course information

科目一覧へ戻る 2023/03/17 現在

科目名/Subject 英語IB(E129B)
担当教員(所属)/Instructor エドワーズ (商学部)
授業科目区分/Category 昼間コース 外国語科目等
開講学期/Semester 2019年度/Academic Year  前期/Spring Semester
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 4
対象所属/Eligible Faculty
配当年次/Years 1年 , 2年 , 3年 , 4年
単位数/Credits 1
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2019/02/27
/Course Objectives and method
The aim of this course is to improve students’ 4 basic skills in order to help develop their fluency and confidence. In 4-member mixed-level teams, students will be expected to perform at their own skill level. Through the completion of carefully designed group and individual tasks, students will learn and practice using practical language while they develop ways to organize and express their ideas. These tasks include discussions, presentations, viewing video instructions and taking notes, writing reports, laying out and creating visuals, self-evaluations and team evaluations. To develop listening skill, structured listening practices are included as well as listening opportunities as they discuss and question and listen to their classmates' responses. Pronunciation problems particular to Japanese and sound change in spoken speech will be the pronunciation focus.  
Details will be explained in the first class.
/Course Goals
・Students will develop fluency in the use of basic conversation questions and sentence patterns to talk about themselves and get information from others in workplace and social situations.
・Students will identify individual pronunciation problems and show improvement in approximating the sounds and making sound changes in connected speech.
・Students will develop vocabulary to be able to discuss project ideas, write and present a proposal, and promote a product.
・Students will develop listening and speaking skills in order to actively participate in and lead a discussion.
・Students will develop skills in summarizing main points of a discussion and present them as a poster presentation.  
・Students will gain skill in writing a resume and cover letter in preparation for a job interview.
/Course contents
Week 1~2: Course introduction: textbook introduction. View video, make teams, and do self-introductions. Complete evaluation form for Stage 1.
Week 3~4: Product Proposals: Choose first leader. Explore simple problems and solutions, view video, and write product proposal. Create short promotion talk (elevator pitch). Complete evaluation form for Stage 2.
Week 5~6: Submit project proposal and elevator pitch.
Stage 3 Analyzing Ideas: Introduction to SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Treats).  View video and do SWOT analysis practices.  Choose best of group's product proposals. Discussion. Learn polite terms for agreement/disagreement.
Week 7~8 Poster Session: Explain rationale for product choice in a poster session: Make posters. Prepare sample Qs and answers for poster presentation session. Complete evaluation form for Stage 3.
Week 9~10: Stage 4 Market Research: Collect and analyze data on product in a focus group. Group presentation of results. Complete evaluation form for Stage 4.
Week 11~12: Stage 5 Advertising Strategy: View videos on successful ad campaigns. Identify target customers, examine market research results, discuss media choices and approach. Prepare video commercial.
Week13: Campaign presentations: Show commercials.  Peer evaluations. Complete evaluation form for Stage 5.
Week 14: Stage 6 Job Interview: Resume and cover letter writing and interview preparation. Self-analysis and PR.
Week 15: Job interviews. Complete evaluation form for Stage 6.  Course consolidation.
/Preparation and review class
Students are required to prepare and review each lesson and keep a notebook of useful vocabulary and expressions.  Students will view the textbook videos which are available online.  Group work is important so students must use SNS to keep in touch with group members to share information and complete assignments.
/Teaching materials
Required Textbook: Widgets Inc.「A task-based course in workplace English」2nd Edition、[Atama-ii Books], Marcos Benevides and Chris Valvona.
Free textbook videos: online at widgets2.com
50% of the course grade will be determined by the total score of the evaluations by self, peers, and instructor.
50% of the evaluation will be based on participation/attendance.
/Grading Criteria
Students must complete all assignments and tasks ON TIME to pass the course.  Since team work on specific tasks is the focus, each student's participation is essential and will strongly affect the level of completion and the quality of the team's presentations.  5 percentage points will be deducted from the class participation score for each absence.  
Students will complete 6 Self-assessments at the end of each stage in the textbook.
There will not be a written final examination.
/Online class
遠隔授業/Online class
